The Starblawg Guava

by Pockets on May 14, 2013

May 14, 2013
So all that’s left for our Starblawg plant is to be shipped to The Clinic On Wadsworth a little later this week and get into our patients hands. Just a quick side note, her packages will be marked with a little black dot to let anyone interested now which Stardawg Pre-Packs at Wads are from our girl specifically. She’s been curing since last week and today 1/16s, 1/8s and 1/4s (shown below) were individually weighed out by our packaging dept. The packages were then filled with nitrogen to help maintain freshness and then heat sealed to ensure no one as tampered with your medication…

May 10, 2013
Yesterday was our girl got trimmed up! After drying in a humidity controlled room for a week she was ready to get cleaned up prior to her curing then eventually being packaged and shipped to The Clinic On Wadsworth…

The photos below so the general steps that our trim staff takes from the fully intact plant on a hanger to the individual nuggets. This particular plant was trimmed by Dan who also happened to trim the batch of Stardawg that took home 3rd Place Sativa at this years High Times US Cannabis Cup…

May 1, 2013
Our Starblawg plant has finished her flowering stage and has been cut down!

As you can see from the first 3 photos she was definitely ready to be cut down! Remember these photos were taken yesterday so the cut down date was 4/30. From here she will be (was) big leafed right after being chopped. She will then be dried in a humidity controlled room for approximately 5-7 days. At approximately the one week mark from be cut down she will be dry trimmed. This is followed by curing process in which she’ll be placed in air tight containers for however long necessary, usually a few days to a week. Once she’s ready to hit our selves our packaging team will individually package 1/16s, 1/8s and 1/4s into nitrogen sealed pre-packs. And as mentioned at the beginning of the entire process, our girl will be going to The Clinic On Wadsworth…

April 23,2013
The High Times US Cannabis Cup in Denver has come and gone this past weekend so it’s time to get back to work. However, we walked away with another award for Stardawg Guava! Granted it wasn’t first place for best sativa like last year, although we did take home that award this year with our Tangie. Nope, this year our Stardawg took home 3rd place for best sativa but she’s still a winner: 1st Place ’12 HT Medical Cannabis Cup Best Sativa, 1st Place Overall Sativa & Patients’ Choice Sativa in the THC Champions Cup. That’s quite an impressive resume for the last year but pictured below is our latest award for Stardawg.

Now, back to our Starblawg…

As you can see our girl is getting very close to finishing her flowering cycle. She has become a little bit top heavy so we have begun our flush where she’ll only be getting water for the next few weeks. From what our growers told me it should be about 2-3 weeks before she is harvested. Here are the latest photos:

April 04,2013
Here is what our girl is looking like 5 weeks into flower. The last 2 photos show how she’s responded to the super cropping, just week a later…

March 27, 2013 So we are now 4 weeks into flowering and at this point our girl looks stunning. She has grown well into the trellis system so for now our growers are pretty much monitoring, feeding and sticking to their integrated pest management (IPM) plan as necessary. Some of you are probably wondering what exactly IPM is, well it’s just our precautionary strategy to keep pests away from our plants. Right now, there is no threat to our Starblawg girl so it really is just keeping a watchful eye on her and making sure her environment is ideal for the remainder of her flower cycle. Being that we are at week 4, she has finished stretching and we have discontinued bottom stripping as well as big leafing. As I mentioned, besides monitoring her progress all we’re really doing is watering/feeding her and for those of you whom have asked we are using Canna as our base nutrient for feedings. Take a look at these photos and you’ll see she’s come a long way over the last few weeks…but she’s still got quite a ways to go. The next 5 weeks, or so, as she finishes flowering will definitely be interesting, then its onto dry, trim and cure (DTC)…



The following photos show the plants reaction to the super cropping which occurred two weeks ago. The top flower will now be better supported as well as the immediate surrounding flowers because the plant provided extra energy to making those stems/branches stronger and capable of supporting more weight…


March 14, 2013
So just to get you guys caught up and to bridge the gap between the updates, here a handful of photos taken during the 2nd week of March which happened to be the 2nd week of flowering. In these photos you’ll see the final round of bottom stripping as well as super cropping (last 2 photos from 3/14), which I had mentioned in my previous update. The idea of super cropping is to manage stretching and to strengthen the stems and the immediate surrounding branches…


March 7, 2013
So our girl has begun the flowering stage of her life and has been under a 12 hour light cycle for about a week now. As you can see from the photos below, her calyx development has started. A couple of things that our growers are focusing on during this early stage of flowering. First they’ll train the plant through our trellis system right as flowering begins. They’ll also do some bottom stripping during or around the 2nd week of flowering, this was also done prior to flowering numerous times. Another thing our grower’s will do is super-cropping, and this is only done if necessary when stretching occurs but is something our growers look for especially during the first few weeks of flowering. In terms of feeding, during the early stages of flowering feeding is very gradually increased so as of right now our girl is only getting a little bit more than what she received at the end of her veg cycle.


February 28, 2013
Some big news regarding our beautiful looking Stardawg Guava plant…she has been moved into a flowering room where she has begun her flower cycle which will last approximately 9+ weeks!! Also, now that she is flowering you can expect more frequent updates here at The Starblawg.

Anyhow, this is how our girl looked as she finished veg cycle. As you can tell she’s grown quite a bit since we first photographed her as a tiny clone back in October.2013-0228-starblawg-012013-0228-starblawg-02
However, before she was placed into a flowering room with a light cycle of 12 hours on and 12 hours off, she needed to cleaned up so our grow staff trimmed off unnecessary leaves and branches. Take a look at the before and after photos, you might be surprised to see how much was actually trimmed off prior to the flowering cycle.
Finally she’s been placed into a flowering room! As I mentioned previously, she’ll spend approximately 9+ weeks in her flowering cycle under a 12 hour light cycle. I know the veg cycle has seemed slow but things should really start getting interesting as we follow our lovely girl through the rest of her life cycle and all the way to our shelves!

January 29, 2013
Well it looks like our girl is pretty happy! Today she has been transplanted into a 5 gallon pot where she will go through her final days in veg and then begin the really exciting part of her life cycle, flowering…

These first 2 photos are of our Stardawg plant before cleaning her up and transplanting her.

Up next, our grow staff went ahead a trimmed her up but did not top her for this transplanting…


As you can see her roots are healthy but definitely ready for a bigger pot and in she goes to the 5 gallon…

She’s looking good after being cleaned up and transplanted. As I mentioned earlier, she’ll finish up her veg cycle over the next few weeks in this 5 gallon pot before being moved into flowering…

January 7, 2013:
Hope everyone has had a happy and safe holiday season! Sorry for the lack of updates but after a little time off we are back.

As you can see, our girl has grown quite a bit since the last time you saw her in her 5″ pot. She has been repotted into a 9″ pot and will only go through 1 more repotting, into a 12″x12″ pot for her last couple weeks in the veg cycle and then flowering.

Right now The Clinic’s grow staff is concentrated on keeping her nitrogen levels up to continue promoting root, leaf and branch growth. We are also keeping a close eye on the health of the plant, as right now is the time to start combating any potential problems. Other than that, at this stage canopy management and topping is also the other main focus while she is in the 9″ pot.

December 10, 2012:
Just a quick update today but I’ll be back later with a full update. Our Stardawg plant hasn’t been repotted from the 5″ pot to the 9″ pot quite yet but that will be happening in the next few days. However are a few shots of how our girl growth has progressed.

November 15, 2012:
So after spending two weeks in a 3.5″ pot and under constant T5 fluorescent light here is our Stardawg girl…

What you’ll notice is that while there was certainly vertical growth, there was just as much root development as well which you’ll see in the next photo below….

So now our Stardawg plant is ready to be re-potted into a 5″ pot where she’ll spend another 2 weeks before being re-potted again into a 9″ pot. You might also notice that she has been topped for the first time…So she’s already for her new home for the next 2 weeks. However, up to this point she has been under T5 fluorescent light but is now being moved to HID (high intensity discharge) light. Also, due to the chemical nature of coco which is the grow medium The Clinic uses, we will now begin to correct any magnesium deficiency…

October 31, 2012:
Hello Everyone!! We’re back with the 2nd installment of Starblawg Guava.

So after spending about 2 weeks in the cloner, our Stardawg clone has developed roots and is ready to be placed in 3.5″ pot.

However, before we can place her into her new pot, she needs to assigned a tracking tag which includes our OPC number, batch information, the patient’s registry number to whom she’s assigned and the caregiver name. For those of you who are curious, this particular plant is assigned to a patient at The Clinic On Wadsworth so that’s where she’ll end up.

So now she’s planted into a 3.5″ pot that is a coco fiber and perlite mix where she will remain for roughly another 2 weeks before being transplanted into a little bit bigger home.

Now that she’s been planted and tagged she can go back under 24 hours of light where she will remain throughout the veg cycle.

October 24, 2012
Welcome to the Stardawg Blog!

A few weeks ago we posted a poll on our Facebook page asking everyone which strain people would like to follow from clone to store. Well the winner, as everyone already knows, was obviously Stardawg Guava and with good reason. Our Stardawg Guava is an award winning, sativa dominant strain, that took home 1st Place Best Sativa at Denver’s 2012 High Times Medical Cannabis Cup, 1st Place Best Overall Sativa at The Hemp Connoisseur’s Champions Cup and Patients’ Choice Sativa at The Hemp Connoisseur’s Champions Cup as well.

So over the coming weeks and months we will be following a single Stardawg Guava plant through it’s entire life cycle. For this first installment of the Stardawg Blog, or as some are calling it Stardawg Blawg or Starblawg, we have cut our clone and placed it in the clone machine. Click on the image thumbnails below for an enlarged photo with description.

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